i am allergic to aspirin what else can i take besides tylenol

Apr sixth, 2011

02:33 PM ET

Allergic to aspirin: Are there alternatives?

Every weekday, a CNNHealth proficient medico answers a viewer question. On Wednesdays, information technology's Dr. Otis Brawley, master medical officer at the American Cancer Lodge.

Question asked by Mary of Fort Wayne, Indiana

I am allergic to aspirin and wonder: If I ever needed a blood thinner or daily aspirin, is there any choice for me? There is a history of heart disease in my mother'due south family. I do accept irbesartan (Avapro) for high claret pressure level and simvastatin (Zocor) for cholesterol command.

Expert answer

Dear Mary:

Aspirin is an quondam drug with lots of uses. It was noted more than than 2,000 years ago that chewing the bark of the willow tree was therapeutic for headache, some musculoskeletal pains and fever. The compound responsible for these effects was isolated more than a century agone, turned into a pill and named aspirin. Aspirin was the showtime of a class of drugs known as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories, or NSAIDs. Today, NSAIDs are some of the most commonly used drugs in medicine.

After aspirin had been in use for more than than 70 years, studies showed that it could reduce the risk of cardiovascular illness. We keep to acquire about these compounds. We now know that near of the other NSAIDs do not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and some actually increase it. More recently, studies also have shown that aspirin and several other NSAIDs may reduce the take chances of colon polyps and colon cancer.

Your question is important, every bit it has been estimated that v% of people have some difficulty taking aspirin or other NSAIDs. These reactions are categorized as pseudo-allergic or allergic. Pseudo-allergic reactions are nonimmunologic reactions related to the person having an alteration in the biochemical pathway through which the NSAID is normally metabolized or handled after information technology is ingested. True allergic reactions are due to the immune system rejecting the drug. Both reactions tin exist caused, significant someone can have no difficulty with NSAIDs for years and and then all of a sudden have a reaction.

The person with a pseudo-allergic reaction tends to have the reaction with a number of NSAIDs, whereas those with true allergic reactions tend to exist sensitive to 1 specific NSAID. Some patients as well take a reaction to a high dose of an NSAID but not to a lower dose of the same drug.

The pseudo-allergic and true allergic reactions can be a combination of drug-induced asthma, runny and stuffy nose, itching or swelling. Some people have astringent swelling of the pharynx and upper airway that tin lead to suffocation in very severe reactions. Patients with a history of nasal polyps are at especially high chance of NSAID allergy.

The cardiovascular effects of aspirin are due to its power to decrease the effectiveness of platelets in the claret. This decreases the blood's power to clot. Today, aspirin is unremarkably prescribed to reduce the risk of vascular problems in patients who have had:

  • An acute myocardial infarction (or center set on),
  • An occlusive stroke (a stroke caused by a claret clot),
  • A transient ischemic attack (as well known as a TIA or mini-stroke),
  • Stable cardiac chest pain or angina
  • Heart bypass surgery.
  • Aspirin therapy decreases the risk of a subsequent cardiovascular event in this population by up to twenty%. Several well-designed clinical trials accept also established the cyberspace benefits of giving an aspirin to a person who is actively having a heart attack. Information technology tin decrease the amount of centre harm and cut the gamble of decease from the middle set on.

    There has been argue about the employ of depression-dose or baby aspirin (81 mg daily) or whole adult aspirin (325 mg daily) for affliction prevention. The prevailing prove is that there is no divergence in efficacy or side effects in doses ranging from 81 mg to 325 mg per day.

    Some prescribe aspirin to people who have not had a cardiovascular event but are at high chance of cardiovascular disease considering of diabetes, obesity, hypertension or smoking. The net do good is clear amongst those with a history of cardiovascular disease merely is less articulate for this latter population. Nosotros use the term "net benefit" equally it is clear that at that place are disadvantages to aspirin therapy. Information technology causes some people to have stomach bleeding or even hemorrhagic stroke.

    Aspirin or NSAID desensitization is successful in some patients. This tin can allow for a daily prophylactic aspirin, or for patients with rheumatologic conditions to regularly take aspirin or other NSAIDs. This process involves starting with a depression dose of the NSAID and progressively giving larger doses over fourth dimension. Information technology should exist done under the supervision of a physician experienced in this procedure.

    Patients who demand cardiovascular prevention who cannot be desensitized to aspirin may be candidates for therapy with the non-NSAID clopidogrel (Plavix). Information technology, too, inhibits platelet activity and is sometimes used with aspirin.

    Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is not an NSAID. Information technology is usually well tolerated by those with a history of NSAID reactions. Acetaminophen can exist used for fever control and treatments of some types of hurting. It is not useful in the prevention of cardiovascular disease.


    Source: https://thechart.blogs.cnn.com/2011/04/06/allergic-to-aspirin-are-there-alternatives/

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