Chantix What if I Start Smoking Again

Comment from: Teresa 55-64 Transgender i to 6 months Caregiver Published: September 10

I took Chantix at only ane/ii the dose considering the 1mg made me too nauseous, and at the terminate of seven days taking, didn't want to smoke whatsoever more... I got through the physical withdrawals from Nicotine and took .v Chantix for less than three months and stayed quit. A few days later on stopping taking any Chantix, I noticed my self condign VERY depressed, agitated, mad over nil, so sad all the time and always feel like the earth is about to finish...and think of killing myself quite often. I never idea nearly killing myself and that has came later on 1-2 weeks of stopping taking the Chantix :( Maybe 10 years ago, I had a tour with depression, I got past it. No one counselled me that this drug could make me depressed AFTER taking it, the drug precaution simply stated to tell your medico if you had symptoms while taking information technology. Other than normal withdrawal from smoking, I had no adverse symptoms until I stopped taking it. I had no idea this drug could modify the happy happy me into this sad wants to cry 24/seven me that I can't stand up. My family unit doesn't want to exist around me at all. I just a lot of people'south experiences who became depressed and suicidal afterwards they stopped, and most are nonetheless suffering sever depression years afterwards.

Annotate from: GinaLee 45-54 Transgender less than 1 month Caregiver Published: August 08

I'm 53 and have to have a full hip replacement. My Dr informed me I had to quit smoking in gild to practise this. 3 years later, I've accomplished it past taking Chantix. I had already pretty much stopped by my initial week and two days in to full script, I stopped a habit I've had for 40 years. I accept very few urges and they are easy to go thru. I've non had 1 single side impact. No weird dreams or thoughts. Didn't mess upwardly my sleep pattern. No concrete health changes. Aside from keeping my mind occupied when the urges come. They are short lived also. Then glad I finally asked for assistance. I am at present on my manner to walking again and couldn't feel better about my conclusion.

Comment from: Female person Caregiver Published: July 05

I started chantix when I was in rehab. Cause I didn't desire to become dependant nicotine replacements like patches I'm on the continue pack at present and oasis't smoked at all for over ii months . I do however take strong cravings.

Comment from: Ray 45-54 Transgender 1 to 6 months Caregiver Published: June 24

Chewed tobacco for twenty years, tried every other method to quit, all failed. I did non fifty-fifty desire to quit when I started Chantix. If figured I could at to the lowest degree try it to prove that I did everything and to keep my married woman happy that I tried. Started the pills, pick a end date of 8 days from the start. That day came and I was nevertheless chewing like equally much or more than ever. (ane.5 packs a day) Then on the 9th solar day I had but finish by early on morning chew on the way to work. And then about 4 hours later I noticed that I had non chewed all morning. I took a huge pinch of tobacco and started to chew. I was then I noticed that in that location was no taste, practice flavor, no high. If felt like carboard in my oral fissure. I spit information technology out and was trying to figure out what was going on. And then, I stopped the morning to see how long I could go before I went crazy. The rest of the twenty-four hours went by, and then the side by side and next. In that location was do desire at all, and I felt normal. The only side affect was remembering better my dreams in week ii-6, this was kind of cool. Then after 3 month I stopped using Chantix and was fine. I did have a peckish about a month after, only it only lasted for most xx seconds. This was all 5 years ago, and my but regret was not doing it earlier in my life.

Comment from: At present not smoker 55-64 Transgender 1 to 6 months Caregiver Published: June 22

It is amazing I didn't really want to quit I just knew I needed to It takes the cravings away I could stand right beside someone that smoked.

Annotate from: Kappy98 35-44 Transgender ane to vi months Caregiver Published: June 16

I am 42 years old and I have been smoking for about 18 years. I've tried quitting cold turkey, nicotine mucilage and lozenges. Needless to say, none worked. My last resort was Chantix and fast forward to today I am now three months in smoke-costless. This production has worked a phenomenon in my life! I never idea I would ever be smoke gratis. My feel with Chantix has been great. I smoked during the first week of taking Chantix while the medication was building up in my system. I set my quit day to coincide with me taking the outset total dosage of the medicine. I did experience a little nausea the beginning day, but that was considering I did non eat before I took the medication. Taking it on a full stomach stopped the nausea. I also feel somewhat vivid dreams, simply they were actually skilful dreams and not nightmares. The first 2 weeks the cravings were intense, but I kept myself busy by working out, reading books or taking long walks. Subsequently that, the cravings started to subside. I still have cravings today, just they pass later a infinitesimal or so. I did not avoid situations that would be triggers because for me avoidance was not an selection. I am a sociable person and accept many friends who smoke, so I had to see that challenge head on. Surprisingly, information technology was not as hard as I idea it would be. I am in the process of preparing to finish taking the medication, so I am gearing myself upwardly for any potential downsides. I highly recommend Chantix for anyone who's considering quitting smoking. Talk to your doctor and go for it! It has changed my life and I can wake upwardly everyday and say I am a Non-Smoker!

Comment from: Janice 45-54 Transgender less than 1 month Caregiver Published: June 13

I am 51 years old and have been smoking since the historic period of 14. I've tried and failed several times at quitting smoking and did non try Chantix in the past considering someone told me negative side furnishings they had had. I started Chantix on March 1st 2021 30 day starter pack. The 30 days were easy no cravings no side effects at all in fact I felt similar it was a little happy pill. I'm now over 3 months not smoking and I experience fantastic. I exercise get cravings every now and so that lasts a few minutes and go abroad. I really wish I would have tried this Years ago . Janice .

Comment from: Lvh 35-44 Transgender 1 to 6 months Caregiver Published: June 03

I have been smoking got nearly 20 years. By the cease of the 1st week cravings were gone, 2nd week I was able to break the habit. As far as side effects go the dreams aren't bad very few scary ones but a lot of vivid dreams. The only real down side is the stomach issues. For about 20 mins after taking the pill I feel really nauseous and I've experienced a lot of gas and diarrhea. I've tried taking information technology before eating, after eating, without food, with h2o, with milk, everything I could think of to try to ease the stomach issues but have found zilch that works. Ultimately the few minutes of nausea and upset stomach are worth it in the long run for how like shooting fish in a barrel it is fabricated it to quit smoking. I've been able to be cigarette free for two months now even though I live with two smokers. To my to talk my husband into trying it. I desire him to finish to for health reasons and I think it volition be easier to stay smoke free if we both do it

Comment from: Antoinette T. 45-54 Transgender less than 1 month Caregiver Published: May xv

I had been smoking well-nigh xxx years. After taking a stand up and wanting to quit. I started on Chantix.The offset week I continued to smoke and take Chantix. It did fabricated me experience a piddling queasy to the bespeak where I did not want a cigarette for the reason of existence a tad nauseous. By week two, I no longer craved a cigarette. I learned that my smoking was more out of habit than addiction. Week three, I told myself I will not purchase cigarettes at all. I was truly amazed that the craving was no longer there. At the finish of week 3 I had quit completely even with the fact that my husband still smoked cigarettes right in front of me. He as well wanted to quit so I encouraged him to use Chantix. It has been 4 months for me and 3 months for my husband of being SMOKE FREE!!. I sometimes forget that I used to even smoke cigarettes. I definitely would encourage those who are wanting to quit smoking cigarettes to use Chantix no doubt.

Annotate from: Joan 65-74 Transgender less than 1 month Caregiver Published: May 12

I smoked since I was in my twenty'south. I tried everything to stop just nothing worked. I tried Chantix and was amazed at the change in my urge to smoke. After two weeks, I was able to stop smoking because the urges had been macerated to a slight level, enough to proceed me from lighting up!

Comment from: Michelle 55-64 Transgender less than one month Caregiver Published: May 06

I had smoked for 44 years and tried many times to quit. I decided to attempt Champix and by the end of the first parcel I had stopped smoking . I did not have any side furnishings other than feeling nauseous when I thought of a cigarette later day 8. I did not need the 2nd months dose just had them on hand just in instance . I have been smoke free at present for 16 mths and do not require a cigarette even when effectually other smokers. I was a parcel a mean solar day smoker.

Annotate from: KAM 35-44 Female less than 1 month Patient Published: April xiii

Ane week in to quitting smoking and it's been much easier than previous attempts. I don't have the nicotine cravings, and I'thousand also practicing deep breathing throughout the day to deal with stress. I started the 2nd week taking both pills simply it made me nauseous. I'm simply a 3 cigarettes/mean solar day smoker so I cut down to one pill a day and have been doing just fine.


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Annotate from: Wendi 45-54 Female 1 to 6 months Patient Published: April 09

I have bipolar. Iâ??ve smoked 38 years and was down to 6 cigarettes a mean solar day. I took Chantix for two months and had to end due to astute anxiety and panic attacks. They are everyday. Iâ??g on brusque term employ of Xanax to assist command the attacks. I had to get help from urgent intendance and the ER for all 24-hour interval attacks. I have to become through a few specialty doctors before I tin can see a psychiatrist to help me deal with this with maybe more medication of some sort. For the people it worked for-fantastic! I had high hopes. I would use with caution. Psychiatric side effects tin can last months later on stopping Chantix. Iâ??chiliad in bad shape and smoking again.

Comment from: Timothy 55-64 Male person less than one month Patient Published: Apr 07

I but finished the first 28-day form. Information technology didn't do a thing for me except upset my tum greatly. The frequency of my smoking and my cravings oasis't diminished one flake. Recently I tried to only stop smoking completely while taking Chantix. I was a wreck and didn't final a day. The nausea caused by this stuff is intense. A couple of times I took the 1mg tablets without food. I dry-heaved all twenty-four hour period. Even taking with food and beverage, my stomach gets upset. I haven't decided if I'll get a second subscription. I probably won't.

Comment from: Laurel 25-34 Female person ane to 6 months Patient Published: February 02

This medication works for me. I advise getting a script for 1 mg of ativan from your primary medico or psychiatrist equally this will compliment the chantix. It will help with the depression and feet you go from chantix. I as well recommend having Nicoderm Patches Level iii on you. That fashion if you crave a cigarette you lot can put a nicotine patch on instead. Your allowed to habiliment a patch with chantix they dont collaborate

Comment from: 65-74 Male person less than 1 month Caregiver Published: December 14

I have nightmares and feel pressure in back of my head sometimes. It helps you to cease merely has side furnishings. Wish I never used it. I stopped taking it and returned to smoking.

Annotate from: NonSmoke8wks 25-34 Male one to vi months Patient Published: December thirteen

Its been 9 weeks since I started using Chantix and my 8th calendar week without a cigarette. I smoked a little more a pack a mean solar day for xv years and I have not had one serious craving. However, I do have crazy dreams and it'll brand you ill if you haven't eaten.

Comment from: triciag71 45-54 Female 1 to vi months Patient Published: December 07

I took it for iii months before I quit. I had been smoking for 35 years. And its the near amazing drug in the world. I didn't suffer withdraws, never had a need or desire to smoke. If you are ready to quit Chantix will go you through. Cheers Pfizer you have increased the quality of my life!!! :)

Comment from: Sha 45-54 Female less than 1 month Caregiver Published: July 25

I take been smoking cigarettes for 10yrs and I been on Chantix for 2 weeks and I'm already quitting smoking my gustatory modality buds are nasty if I smoke a cigarette. I'm so proud of myself because it's not easy at all. Also it'south mind over matter that's my opinion. Sha

Comment from: Amy R 55-64 Female ane to 6 months Patient Published: July 24

I had such a flawless feel with Chantix. I smoked for 40 years and was never able to quit once. I tried patches, Smokenders, gum, etc. This was a dream come true. No withdrawl symptoms. No aggressive beliefs or crankiness. But peace. It has been 40 days since I quit and I never look back. I will exist stopping Chantix in the coming calendar week as I no longer have nicotine in my body. Please endeavor this drug. Information technology'southward a truthful miracle.


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