50 years of preventing and treating babyhood behaviour disorders: a systematic review to inform policy and practice


  1. Charlotte Waddell,
  2. Christine Schwartz,
  3. Caitlyn Andres,
  4. Jenny Lou Barican,
  5. Donna Yung
  1. Faculty of Health Sciences, Children'due south Health Policy Middle, Simon Fraser Academy, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
  1. Correspondence to Dr Charlotte Waddell, Faculty of Wellness Sciences, Children'due south Health Policy Centre, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver V6B5K3, Canada; charlotte_waddell{at}sfu.ca


Question Oppositional defiant and conduct disorders (ODD and CD) beginning early and persist, incurring loftier individual and commonage costs. To inform policy and practice, we therefore asked: What is the all-time available research evidence on preventing and treating these disorders?

Report pick and assay Nosotros sought randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating interventions addressing the prevention or handling of behaviour problems in individuals aged 18 years or younger. Our criteria were tailored to identify higher-quality RCTs that were besides relevant to policy and practice. We searched the CINAHL, ERIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO and Web of Scientific discipline databases, updating our initial searches in May 2017. Thirty-seven RCTs met inclusion criteria—evaluating 15 prevention programmes, viii psychosocial treatments and 5 medications. We then conducted narrative synthesis.

Findings For prevention, 3 notable programmes reduced behavioural diagnoses: Classroom-Centered Intervention; Skilful Behavior Game; and Fast Track. Five other programmes reduced serious behaviour symptoms such equally criminal activity. Prevention benefits were long term, up to 35 years. For psychosocial treatment, Incredible Years reduced behavioural diagnoses. Three other interventions reduced criminal action. Psychosocial treatment benefits lasted from 1 to 8 years. While 4 medications reduced post-test symptoms, all caused of import agin events.

Conclusions Considerable RCT evidence favours prevention.

Clinical implications Effective prevention programmes should therefore exist made widely bachelor. Constructive psychosocial treatments should also be provided for all children with ODD/CD. Just medications should be a last resort given associated adverse events and given just brusk-term bear witness of benefits. Policymakers and practitioners can help children and populations past interim on these findings.

  • public health
  • preventive medicine

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  • public health
  • preventive medicine


Oppositional defiant and comport disorders (ODD and CD) are of import public health and children'southward mental health problems. They involve severe and persistent patterns of disruptive behaviour that fall well outside expected norms and that interfere with salubrious development, with CD being the more than serious status.1 2 These 2 mental disorders are important, in role, because of their loftier prevalence. Globally, recent estimates propose rates of iii.half dozen% for ODD and 2.ane% for CD.three Confusing behaviours have also long been a leading reason for referrals to children's mental health services.4 As well, considering these disorders typically outset in childhood then persist into adulthood, they cause inordinate burdens.5 The children experience meaning social and emotional impairments, with concomitant distress and lost human potential.6 Society also incurs substantial healthcare, justice, kid welfare and education costs—such that preventing just 1 instance of CD at birth may yield lifetime savings of as much every bit $3.0–5.1M, based on cost analyses across multiple sectors in the USA (USD, 2017 equivalency).7

From a children's rights perspective, prevention should exist the highest priority given that behaviour disorders have been causally associated with serious but avoidable adversities such as family unit socioeconomic disadvantage and child maltreatment.half dozen 8–ten In effect, when avoidable cases are immune to develop, children are doubly disadvantaged, experiencing both the causes and consequences of behaviour disorders.eleven Many prevention programmes for ODD/CD have also been shown to be price-effective.12 Yet programmes for the prevention of these disorders—or of their underlying causal weather such equally child maltreatment—have yet to get widespread.thirteen–15

Exacerbating the burdens, there are too astute shortages of children'south mental wellness treatment services. Even in high-income countries such as the U.k., Us and Canada, equally many as 70% of young people with mental disorders practise non receive needed specialised handling services.16 This is despite substantial (and growing) annual health expenditures in these jurisdictions.17–19 Globally, the situation is much worse. Many low-income countries take yet to identify children'due south mental health on the public policy agenda, and mental wellness service shortfalls in these countries reach or exceed ninety%.20–22 Amid these shortfalls, one approach nevertheless appears to be thriving, at least in loftier-income countries—the use of pharmacological treatments. For case, psychotropic prescriptions for children have increased approximately twofold in the UK and three-to-fourfold in Canada in recent decades, particularly for antipsychotics which are increasingly beingness used to treat behaviour disorders.23–26

To begin to accost the shortfalls and imbalances, policymakers need robust research evidence to guide public spending priorities. In parallel, practitioners demand robust research testify to inform the implementation of more than effective programmes and services for children.


To inform policy and practice, we therefore asked: what is the best available enquiry evidence on preventing and treating ODD and CD? To provide comprehensive data, we included the full intervention continuum: prevention programmes, psychosocial treatments and pharmacological treatments. We were enlightened of only i such previous comprehensive review of ODD/CD interventions, Connor et al (2006),27 which covered studies published from 1980 to 2005. We specifically built on this review, covering older studies (published from 1965 onwards) likewise every bit newer studies (published from 2005 through 2017). We also expanded on previous reviews that examined only prevention (eg, Waddell et al, 2007),28 but treatment (eg, National Collaborating Middle for Mental Health, 2013)29 or only specific types of interventions (eg, Woolfenden et al, 2002; Barlow et al, 2011; Sanders et al, 2014; Bakker et al, 2017).30–33 To our knowledge, no contempo systematic review has covered this comprehensive range of ODD/CD interventions.

Study pick and analysis

We showtime searched the CINAHL, ERIC, MEDLINE and PsycINFO databases using the terms: carry disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, child behaviour disorder, aggressive behaviour OR juvenile delinquency AND prevention, intervention OR treatment. To place additional studies, nosotros searched the journal, Testify-Based Mental Wellness, and searched the Cochrane and Campbell Collaboration databases, identifying relevant systematic reviews that nosotros so hand-searched. We applied limiters, seeking only randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating interventions addressing the prevention or handling of behaviour problems in individuals anile 18 years or younger. We limited our searches to English language-language manufactures due to most research being published in this language and due to translation capacity not being bachelor inside the team. We also chose to seek manufactures published over the past 50 years (January 1965 through May 2017, which was the time of the last search update) to ensure comprehensiveness while also ensuring complete coverage of important databases such equally MEDLINE and ERIC, which began in 1966. Following these searches, after screening the titles, two authors independently assessed all relevant abstracts to identify eligible RCTs. Subsequently, 2 authors independently assessed all retrieved articles, identifying RCTs that met all the inclusion criteria. We then identified supplemental publications on these RCTs by searching the Web of Science database using intervention names, author names and article titles. This added search yielded new follow-up data from the previously identified RCTs likewise as new RCTs that were assessed using the procedures noted in a higher place. Tabular array one shows the inclusion criteria. Figure 1 shows the search procedure.

Table one

Randomised controlled trial inclusion criteria*

We took several steps to maximise quality and minimise risk of bias. To ensure high-quality evaluations, only RCTs were included. Our inclusion criteria also specified additional quality indicators, namely blinding of at least 1 informant source for psychosocial studies and double-blinding for medication studies. To minimise risk of bias, 2 or more than authors independently verified search results, screened abstracts and assessed retrieved manufactures. At each step, disagreements were resolved by consensus. Data extraction, verification, assay and interpretations were also performed using consensus. To maximise policy and practice applicability, we focused on studies conducted in high-income countries, given that low-income countries have notwithstanding to be able to mobilise children's mental health services on whatever large calibration.20–22 This approach yielded 37 RCTs (described in 165 articles) that met inclusion criteria—reporting on xv prevention programmes, 8 psychosocial treatments and 5 pharmacological treatments. We then assessed the risk of bias for each of these 37 RCTs using the Cochrane chance-of-bias tool.34

Due to heterogeneity in both participants and interventions in the included studies, a meta-analysis was non conducted. Rather, we structured a narrative synthesis according to intervention types and outcomes. Interventions were first categorised every bit prevention programmes, psychosocial treatments or pharmacological treatments. Behaviour findings pertaining to ODD/CD were then extracted, including long-term outcomes for related adult conditions such as antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). Diagnostic findings were extracted for all follow-upwardly periods. Symptom findings were extracted for the longest available follow-up period or for ii follow-up periods when needed to meet the benchmark of reporting on 2 or more than behaviour symptoms (including 1 that was blinded). (This latter step allowed us to include a broader range of interventions of relevance to policy and do, while however ensuring rigour.)

Next, we evaluated the overall quality of the findings. We deemed interventions 'notable' if RCTs showed significant reductions in rates of childhood ODD/CD and/or adult ASPD diagnoses, given that diagnostic outcomes are a specially robust indicator of effectiveness. We as well noted effect sizes, where available, for both diagnostic and behaviour symptom outcomes. Meanwhile, nosotros deemed adverse events associated with medications to be 'important' if they included any of the following symptoms: neurological (dizziness, nausea, airsickness, dystonia, drooling, tremor, headache or diplopia); gastrointestinal (abdominal pain); cardiovascular (tachycardia); endocrine (increased prolactin levels); genitourinary (excessive thirst or excessive urination) and psychiatric (sedation, fatigue, irritability, restlessness or anxiety). This review was registered with PROSPERO (registration number CRD42016052643; see world wide web.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/).


Prevention programmes

16 RCTs met inclusion criteria, evaluating fifteen different prevention programmes.w48-w75

Supplementary file 1

Incredible Years was evaluated in 3 RCTs, while the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) was evaluated in 2 RCTs. As well, 2 RCTs evaluated 2 different programmes: Classroom-Centered Intervention and Family School Partnership, each assessed independently; and Triple P and Promoting Culling Thinking Strategies (PATHS), each assessed both independently and in combination. Virtually programmes included parent preparation. Many also focused on developing children's social skills and/or their academic skills. All programmes were delivered in community settings such as homes, preschools and schools. 3 interventions were delivered universally, while 12 were delivered to children at gamble or their parents. Intervention duration ranged widely—from one month to 10 years.

Xiii of 15 prevention programmes succeeded in significantly reducing diagnoses or symptoms or both. Iii programmes were notable for significantly reducing childhood CD or adult ASPD diagnoses: Good Behavior Game (ASPD diagnoses);w48 Classroom-Centered Intervention (which included Skilful Behavior Game; CD diagnoses, OR=0.42);w54 and Fast Track (ASPD diagnoses, OR=0.sixty).w63

Likewise, v programmes significantly reduced particularly serious behaviour symptoms, namely date in criminal activities, arrests or days incarcerated. These programmes included: Coping Power (criminal activities, Cohen's d [d]=0.27);w57 Fast Track (convictions/diversions for violent and substance-related crimes);w63 Nurse-Family Partnership (arrests, convictions and probation violations and adjudications as a being in need of supervision);w70 Parent Management Training–Oregon (arrests, d=0.28 and younger age at first arrest);w71 and Perry Preschool (arrests, OR=0.54 and months sentenced to prison, OR=0.48).w72

Six additional programmes significantly reduced at least i behaviour symptom. These included: Chicago Parent Program (behaviour problems);w55 Family Check-Up (behaviour problems);w60 Family Schoolhouse Partnership (behaviour problems, d=0.29 and school suspensions, OR=0.59);w53–w54 Incredible Years Basic (behaviour problems, d=0.63 and 0.89)w65 and coupled with Incredible Years Enhanced (aggression);w67 Research-Based Developmentally Informed (REDI) plan (behaviour problems, d=0.25);w74 and Triple P I (behaviour issues)w49 and Ii (behaviour issues and aggression, d=0.eleven and 0.15, respectively).w51 Only ii interventions failed to show any behaviour benefits at relevant follow-upward: Montreal Prevention Program w68-w69 and PATHS.w51 Tabular array ii summarises the xv programmes and their evaluations.

Table 2

Prevention programme descriptions and evaluation findings

Reported effect sizes varied, every bit noted above. For reductions in diagnoses, these ranged from OR=0.42 (for Classroom-Centered Intervention) to OR=0.60 (for Fast Track). For reductions in criminal behaviours, these ranged from d=0.27 (for Coping Power) to OR=0.48 (for Perry Preschool). Issue sizes for reductions in full general behaviour symptoms, meanwhile, ranged from d=0.11 (for Triple P II) to d=0.89 (for Incredible Years Basic). These numbers advise modest-to-moderately robust effects overall. Adverse events were not reported for any of the included prevention programmes.

Psychosocial treatments

Thirteen RCTs met inclusion criteria, evaluating 8 different psychosocial treatments.w76–w93 All included parents in at least 1 version of the intervention. Five also intervened directly with children, eg, providing cerebral-behavioural therapy or social skills preparation. Some also provided family therapy. Treatments were delivered in clinics likewise as homes, schools and other community settings. One intervention involved placing youth in specialised foster homes. Interventions were relatively short—ranging from 2 weeks to 7 months.

V of 8 psychosocial treatments significantly reduced diagnoses or symptoms or both. One treatment—Incredible Years—was notable for significantly reducing ODD diagnoses. Incredible Years Basic reduced ODD diagnoses at 7.viii yr (final) follow-upwards (OR=0.20).w77 Incredible Years Basic Plus Literacy too reduced ODD diagnoses at 4-calendar month follow-upwardly (OR=0.30);w79 nevertheless, by v.viii-year (final) follow-upwardly, this outcome was no longer statistically significant.w77 3 programmes stood out for significantly reducing specially serious behaviour symptoms, namely date in criminal activities or days incarcerated. These treatments included: Cursory Intervention–Youth Only (arrests);w76 Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care I (vehement offences)w80 and 2 (days incarcerated);w82 and Multisystemic Therapy II (criminal activities, OR=0.41)w84 and IV (property offences, d=0.37).w87 One other programme, Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, reduced ane (non-criminal) symptom (behaviour issues, d=0.61–0.64).w90 The remaining iii programmes—Parent Management Training–Oregon, Protocol for Onsite Nurse-Administered Intervention and Strongest Families—failed to produce positive behaviour outcomes at relevant follow-up.w91–w93 Table 3 summarises the 8 psychosocial treatments and their evaluations.

Table 3

Psychosocial handling descriptions and evaluation findings

Reported consequence sizes varied, as noted above. For reductions in diagnoses, effect size was OR=0.twenty (for Incredible Years Basic). For reductions in criminal behaviour, effect sizes ranged from d=0.37 (for Multisystemic Therapy IV) to OR=0.41 (for Multisystemic Therapy 2). The one programme that reduced full general behaviour symptoms had effect sizes of d=0.61–0.64 (for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy). These numbers suggest modest-to-moderately robust effects overall. Adverse events were not reported for whatsoever of the included psychosocial treatments.

Pharmacological treatments

Eight RCTs met inclusion criteria, evaluating 5 dissimilar medications: 3 antipsychotics (haloperidol, quetiapine and risperidone), ane antiepileptic (carbamazepine) and 1 mood stabiliser (lithium).w94–w101 RCTs were conducted in inpatient and outpatient settings. All RCTs assessed outcomes at post-test only non beyond, and assessed symptoms but not diagnoses.

All pharmacological treatments succeeded in reducing child behaviour symptoms with the exception of carbamazepine. 2 RCTs likewise provided data on effect sizes, showing big benefits. Specifically, lithium significantly reduced the odds of children experiencing behaviour symptoms (OR=nine.3)w97 while quetiapine significantly reduced symptom severity (d=1.6).w98 Nonetheless, adverse events were reported for most children across all the RCTs—100% of children in some cases. Likewise, of import agin events were noted for at least l% of intervention children in at least 1 RCT for all medications. These problems included: dizziness (carbamazepine);w94 sedation and dystonia (haloperidol);w95 nausea, vomiting, excessive thirst and excessive urination (lithium);w97 irritability, restlessness, agitation, feet and sedation (quetiapine);w98 and fatigue and sedation(risperidone).w99 w101 Table 4 summarises the five pharmacological treatments and their evaluations.

Tabular array 4

Pharmacological handling descriptions and evaluation findings

Risk of bias in included studies

Applying the Cochrane risk-of-bias cess tool,34 we identified the following indicators of chance for our included RCTs. For prevention studies, selection bias was unclear for most; performance bias was high for all; detection bias was depression for most; and compunction and reporting biases were low for all. For psychosocial handling studies, selection bias was unclear for most; functioning bias was high for all; detection bias was high for most and attrition and reporting biases were low for all. For medication studies, meanwhile, selection bias was unclear for most, while operation, detection, attrition and reporting biases were low for all. The overall take a chance-of-bias profile was therefore more favourable for medication compared with psychosocial studies. Nevertheless, fifty-fifty though many outcome measures for the prevention and psychosocial treatment RCTs were not blinded, a further inspect establish that more of the blinded outcomes were statistically significant than the non-blinded (42.9% vs 31.five%, respectively), suggesting that the lack of blinding did not create a bias favouring these types of interventions. Please see the online supplementary appendix for run a risk-of-bias assessments for individual RCTs.

Conclusion and clinical implications

Childhood ODD and CD incur loftier individual and collective costs, in part because constructive prevention and psychosocial treatment interventions are not made widely bachelor. Conducted to encourage improvements in policy and practice, this systematic review identified 37 RCTs evaluating 15 prevention programmes, 8 psychosocial treatments and 5 pharmacological treatments. For prevention, iii programmes reduced behavioural diagnoses (Classroom-Centered Intervention; Proficient Beliefs Game and Fast Track) while 5 programmes reduced serious behaviour symptoms such as criminal activity (Coping Power; Fast Track; Nurse-Family unit Partnership, Parent Management Training–Oregon and Perry Preschool). Prevention benefits were long term, up to 35 years. For psychosocial treatment, 1 intervention reduced behavioural diagnoses (Incredible Years) while 3 interventions reduced criminal activity (Brief Intervention; Multidimensional Handling Foster Care and Multisystemic Therapy). Psychosocial handling benefits lasted from i to 8 years. Meanwhile, 4 medications, mainly antipsychotics, reduced mail-test symptoms, nevertheless all caused important adverse events.

We believe that this review makes a unique contribution to informing policy and practice by covering a comprehensive assortment of options for children—spanning both prevention and treatment, spanning both psychosocial and pharmacological interventions, and spanning developmental stages from prenatal through adolescence. By presenting this 'big picture', we hope to encourage policymakers and practitioners to implement effective interventions and to encourage them to consider the full array of options, thereby interrupting the planning and service fragmentation and gaps that tin can ascend when only prevention or just treatment or simply specific intervention types or simply selected ages are considered. Our review also specifically updates a previous comprehensive review of ODD/CD interventions27 by covering a wider range of search years, encompassing studies that are both older and newer. We also believe that nosotros have complemented previous reviews that had more narrow foci such as examining but prevention;28 only treatment29 or only specific intervention types.30–33

Nonetheless our review has limitations. We only reported on outcomes directly pertaining to ODD/CD. However, several prevention programmes showed other important benefits including: reducing child maltreatment (Nurse-Family Partnership);35 reducing child suicidal ideation (Good Beliefs Game)36 and improving adult employment (Perry Preschool).37 Likewise, some psychosocial treatments showed other benefits such equally reducing substance use (Multisystemic Therapy)38 and reducing attention-deficit symptoms (Strongest Families).39 Another limitation pertains to the lack of attending in the prevention and psychosocial treatment studies to the issue of possible adverse furnishings. For example, interventions such equally Nurse-Family Partnership entail greater family scrutiny, which may lead to adverse effects (from the family unit'southward perspective) such as additional child protection reporting; too, targeted programmes entail identifying children at gamble, which may lead to potential stigma. Future prevention and psychosocial treatment research should attend to these issues. Our inclusion criteria for blinding also differed between psychosocial and medication studies, which may introduce bias favouring psychosocial studies. We took this approach to let us to include a reasonable number of psychosocial intervention studies, where double blinding (and placebo controls) may not be feasible. As well, we required that psychosocial interventions have follow-up later on post-test of at least 3 months, while only requiring post-examination follow-up for medications. Nevertheless, risk-of-bias assessment for all included studies nevertheless confirmed more favourable profiles for medication compared with psychosocial studies, every bit best-selling in the findings. Still some other limitation may arise from setting loftier thresholds for study inclusion. Equally a result, we do non discuss myriad interventions where we did not find RCT evaluations even though these interventions are likely existence used—including some that may exist ineffective. That said, we hope that our approach may serve as a pragmatic model for policymakers and practitioners. Namely, when interventions are lacking RCT show of effectiveness, they should but be used if there is a delivery to evaluating outcomes to ascertain the benefits for children.

Based on this review, the example for prevention appears to be especially potent—with 13 programmes showing positive findings, many at long-term follow-up. Virtually successful programmes focused on children at adventure, suggesting that targeted approaches may be particularly beneficial in ameliorating early adversities, arguably even constituting a form of 'proportionate universalism'.twoscore Many, furthermore, focused on the early on years, suggesting greater benefits with 'upstream' approaches. Parent training was also a fundamental characteristic of many successful programmes, suggesting that supporting parents is crucial.

Across positive kid outcomes, US toll analyses have also been favourable for several effective prevention programmes, suggesting that they may pay for themselves. These United states of america evaluations have factored in intervention costs every bit well as estimates of reduced boosted service use across multiple sectors over 10–fifteen years or more—including criminal justice, social services, didactics and healthcare. Internet benefits per participant have been suggested for: Skilful Behavior Game (US$10 800, 2017 equivalency); Nurse-Family unit Partnership (The states$5 100, 2017 equivalency) and Parent Management Training–Oregon (US$5 700, 2017 equivalency).12Fast Rail was also estimated to be cost-effective but simply for the highest-chance children.41 For Perry Preschool, meanwhile, Us estimates have suggested returns of vi–13 dollars for every programme dollar invested.42 Estimates will vary according to countries and methods used; such estimates may notwithstanding be helpful in encouraging more widespread adoption of constructive prevention programmes.

Even so even if constructive prevention programmes are made widely available, they could not avert all new ODD or CD cases. Treatment will always be needed. According to this review, Incredible Years was notable for reducing ODD diagnoses, while Brief Intervention, Multidimensional Treatment Foster Intendance and Multisystemic Therapy reduced criminal activeness. Psychosocial treatment benefits lasted from 1 to 8 years—considerable time in the life of a kid. US cost analyses were besides favourable for 1 effective programme: Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care. Factoring in program costs as well as estimated lifetime reductions in the use of additional criminal justice, social, didactics and healthcare services, cyberspace benefits per participant have been suggested (US$9 400, 2017 equivalency).12 (Costs analyses were also available for Incredible Years only none exclusively focused on the RCTs we reviewed.) Yet with only 5 psychosocial treatments showing effectiveness, new research is needed to delineate more options. Nosotros also concur with previous reviewers who accept noted the modest effect sizes for most psychosocial treatments for ODD/CD, particularly when treatments begin when children are older33—such that more inquiry is warranted, particularly with younger historic period groups.

In comparing, in the medication studies nosotros reviewed, child benefits were brusk-term and frequently associated with important adverse events. Some of these adverse events were fairly rare and could likely be managed clinically. However these findings are still concerning given well-documented overprescribing to children23–26—in a context where effective prevention programmes and psychosocial treatments are non widely available.16 43 Every bit well, prescriptions for behaviour problems take often involved 'off label' utilise—raising additional risks for children.44 The lack of long-term follow-upwards studies on these medications is a further cause for business organization given the evidence amassing on cardiovascular, cognitive and other harms associated with the long-term use of antipsychotics such as risperidone and quetiapine in children.26 45 More research is therefore needed on pharmacological treatments for childhood ODD/CD, amend delineating long-term risks and benefits.

On balance, most of the research show that nosotros identified favours prevention. Yet substantial hurdles need to be overcome to implement this show. Foremost, in many wealthy countries, most health spending goes towards providing healthcare afterward problems are established. In the Great britain and Canada, for example, merely approximately 5% of overall health spending is allocated to public health including prevention.17 19 Policymakers will need to take concerted leadership to shift these spending patterns, even past modest amounts. Still some countries are excelling at improving children's mental health services, showing that the shortfalls and imbalances can be addressed. Commonwealth of australia, for case, has doubled the proportion of children with mental disorders who are receiving services—from one-tertiary in 1998 to two-thirds in 2014—by making significant new prevention and handling investments.46 Beyond this, many prevention programmes require cross-sectoral collaboration for effective implementation. For instance, Classroom-Centered Intervention, Adept Behavior Game and Fast Track were delivered in schools, involving teachers, while Nurse-Family Partnership was delivered in homes, involving public-health nurses. And then novel collaborations among children's mental wellness agencies, public health agencies, schools and others volition need to be established and sustained where these exercise not exist.

Making prevention a priority while ensuring the availability of effective treatments will besides require concerted efforts from practitioner groups. Physicians—and their professional person regulatory bodies—could accept leadership in addressing medication overprescribing. Physicians also equally other practitioner groups including psychologists, social workers, nurses, teachers, child protection workers and school counsellors could engage in promoting effective prevention and psychosocial interventions for ODD/CD. All practitioner groups could as well accept leadership in embracing intervention models that move the children's mental health field abroad from focussing only on individual approaches, reaching simply i child at a time, towards as well reaching many more than children through population-level interventions, such as the effective prevention programmes highlighted here. Policymakers tin can assist with these efforts by funding effective interventions and by supporting practitioners to provide these.

Considerable RCT evidence favours prevention, according to this review. Constructive prevention programmes should therefore be made widely available. Effective psychosocial treatments should also be provided for all children with ODD/CD. But medications should be a last resort given associated adverse events and only short-term evidence of benefits. While more research is needed, particularly on psychosocial interventions and on medications, policymakers and practitioners can nevertheless assist children by acting on these findings at present. Yet the aim is not to favour only prevention programmes, simply rather, to achieve a rest of public investments—in effective interventions across the prevention and handling continuum, so that all children in need are reached. The well-being of children and of populations is in the rest.


  • References 48-104 will appear online only, and can be found in the supplementary appendix.


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